Connected Youth Initative

Connected Youth Initiative – or CYI – is a statewide system change network to improve outcomes for Nebraska’s unconnected youth and young adults. It also includes evidence-supported services and best practices to increase youth and young adults’ protective and promotive factors so that they have the relationships, resources, and equitable opportunities for themselves and their child(ren) to thrive. 

Who are Nebraska’s unconnected youth?

Young people in Nebraska, aged 14 to 26, without permanent and supportive family connections; and have any of the following lived experiences:

*Spent at least (1) day in foster care / child welfare system

*Transitioned or near transition from Juvenile Justice / Probation

*Are homeless or near homeless (e.g., “coach surfing”) or at-risk of homelessness


*Are pregnant and/or parenting

*Are survivors of human trafficking/exploitation or at-risk of being trafficked/exploited 

All CYI services are youth-led, strength-based and voluntary and available up to age 26. These program components include the following: 

Central Navigation

Coordinated approach via community collaboratives that ensures unconnected youth have access to services to avoid duplication of efforts and maintain a connection to the community.

Youth Leadership Council 

Our YLC offers youth opportunities to connect with youth in their communities that have lived through similar experiences. Youth learn importance of using their voice to make a difference in their communities. They do this through speaking on their experience, finding issues they are passionate about, and in this they build their leadership, public speaking, advocacy, and civic engagement skills. They use these skills to speak at a higher level to influence change within local and state communities. There are also opportunities for statewide and national leadership such as Legislative Days, State and National Youth Advisory Boards, and policy advocacy.

Support Service Funds 

Emergency funding accessible via Community Response central navigation to address an array of basic needs. 


An array of evidence-based coaching services (e.g., voluntary case management) that provide goal-orientated, voluntary, youth-driven coaching with unconnected youth to develop skills in key domains, access services, and enhance protective and promotive factors. Young people can come in and out of coaching, as needed, up to age 26.

Opportunity Passport™

Coaching curriculum that promotes financial literacy and asset-building. 

Connect with us today to enroll in CYI!